



Watch and discuss movies - every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm

9. Oktober 2024, 18.30 bis 20 Uhr
Ort: Stadtbibliothek Karlsruhe - Amerikanische Bibliothek


Calling all cineastes: Join us every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 18:30 to watch and discuss classics, discoveries and films you might have missed. Most of the featured flicks come from the library’s own collection and are shown in the original language (with English subtitles if possible). Free of charge—donations cheerfully accepted. No need to sign up.


Directed by Brian Forbes 1975; 1 h 55 m; FSK:ab 12)

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Stadtbibliothek Karlsruhe - Amerikanische Bibliothek

Kanalweg 52, 76149 Karlsruhe

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