



"Live 2024"

17. Oktober 2024, 20 Uhr
Ort: Kulturzentrum Tollhaus

Leider muss diese Veranstaltung abgesagt werden. Es wird keinen Nachholtermin geben. Tickets können an der jeweiligen Vorverkaufsstellen zurückgegeben werden.

Pablos Statement zur Absage:
Hey everyone,
I’ve been holding out on making this decision because you know there’s nothing I love more than performing and being on stage and creating dark rooms into colourful spaces of love and safety. With the amount of tickets we sold now, we would not be able to cover the high production costs and the general cost of touring — so we have made the decision to cancel some of the 2024 tour dates. We simply did not sell enough tickets. Sounds brutal, but that’s the way it is!
We are still playing the postponed shows of last year in Essen (D), Leipzig (D), Bremen (D), Rotterdam (NL) and Amsterdam (NL) — and I’m begging for you all to come to these shows and have the BEST shows, because I am literally so thirsty for a sweaty and amazing Pablo Brooks show. You have no idea, so if you can make it, i’ll see you there.
It’s very hard for me to do this and say this, because I’ve enjoyed the luxury of playing three tours throughout my career that have been so wonderful and beautiful, but the reality of independent artists in 2024 is that touring is as unsustainable as ever.
If you’d like to support small artists like myself: buy merch, stream their songs, share their music and don’t gatekeep. I’m so sorry and it breaks my heart more than you know. but always remember: this might seem like a flop, and it kind of is, but i am a firm believer that this is simply the beginning of my popstar-success-story. I’m not giving up, don’t worry, neither should you! We’ll be together soon enough.
Love you,Pablo <3

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Kulturzentrum Tollhaus

Alter Schlachthof 35, 76131 Karlsruhe

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Telefon: 0721 96 405 0

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Tollhaus Karlsruhe - Freier Kulturverein e.V.

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Alter Schlachthof 35, 76131 Karlsruhe

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